Update for training services due to COVID-19 restrictions

Update as of 01/03/2021:

After carefully reviewing the statewide recommendations and guidelines for “limited service” businesses, I feel comfortable returning to meeting clients in person, with the following precautions in place:

  • Everyone prevent must wear a well-fitted mask that covers their nose and mouth.

  • We will stay outdoors during the entire appointment.

  • I will stay at least 6 feet, but preferably 10 feet away from clients.

Appointments over Zoom are still available for clients outside of my service area, or those who are high-risk.

Current as of 12/11/2020:

New client assessments NOT for board & train: These will be taking place over Zoom. See tips on setup below. If it will be difficult for you to show your dog's "problem" behaviors on camera, please take videos ahead of time and send me links as early as you can.

New client assessments FOR board & train: Since it is necessary for your dog to meet my own dogs and make sure that everyone will be comfortable together, you will still be bringing your dog over. However I will have you put your dog in my fenced yard, and I will do the introductions on my own. You are welcome to watch from your car. We will do a separate appointment over Zoom for the discussion portion of the assessment.

Private lessons which are NOT working on leash reactivity: These will be taking place over Zoom. Feel free to send me videos with updates on your dog's behavior between lessons, especially if it will be difficult to show the relevant behavior while on camera.

Private lessons which ARE working on leash reactivity: These are going to be tricky to do over video. The easiest way is to have an extra family member or friend hold a phone and point it at the dog and handler in training. If you don't have an extra person, I recommend using a waist leash so that you don't have to use one hand to hold your dog. You should also have a treat pouch or pocket that is easy to get into - no plastic bags that require two hands. (That makes for better training anyway!) If this really doesn't seem doable for you, we can reschedule until COVID is less prevalent in our area... but I expect that to be a long time from now, and I honestly think that it's better to get out and train now even if the format will be somewhat awkward.

Private lessons at pick up from board & train: I will put your dog in the yard and your supplies by my front door at pick up time. We will schedule a separate lesson over Zoom in place of the one that would usually take place at pick up.

Dropping off for board & train: I'll have you put your dog in the yard and leave your supplies by my front door. Please call or text when you arrive (don't knock on the door).

Tips for setting up Zoom lessons:

Here is a video made by one of my colleagues on how to join a meeting.

You will need:

  • A computer/laptop, tablet, or smartphone with a camera and speakers. Make sure you have it plugged in or fully charged. Ask your family to avoid streaming or doing their own video chats during the lesson, so your connection isn’t slowed down. (Of course, ideally your family would be participating in the lesson!)

  • A place to set your equipment that will allow me to see yourself and your dog as you practice. It helps to put it higher up, like on a shelf or a stack of books. Make sure the area is quiet (no radio, tv, or other pets distracting you), and has good lighting.

  • Lots of small, tasty treats for your dog, and toys if he enjoys them.

  • Your dog’s leash, collar, harness, or other equipment.

Uploading videos to YouTube: You will need to have a Google account (as Google owns YouTube).

Here is a video tutorial on how to upload your own video from a PC.

And from a phone.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about the change in format. Thank you for your understanding and help in keeping everyone safe during this difficult time.

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