Leash Walking: Circle Walking

Circle walking is a way to redirect your dog’s focus and movement when they get to the end of the leash, while avoiding the annoyance of coming to a full stop. I generally recommend this for:

  • Dogs who ramp up in frustration and arousal when they want to get somewhere and are stopped.

  • Dogs who are not interested in treats.

  • Dogs who move too quickly, and are constantly “ping-ponging” between heel position and the end of the leash.

  • Dogs who need to move their bodies to calm down when excited.

  • Owners who get frustrated by having all the starting and stopping of some other techniques.


Video tutorials


Main takeaways

  • Just as with other techniques, you must not walk forward while the leash is tight, which would reinforce the pulling.

  • You are not yanking or dragging your dog to turn, but rather using just enough steady pressure to the side that he does so.

  • Don’t stand in one spot and pivot; walk in a small circle with your dog.

  • Let your dog have a longer leash so that he moves his body more. Don’t pull him in close and slingshot him around your body - that’s not calming!

  • If you do a full circle but your dog still speeds up to rush ahead, simply continue doing your circles until he calms and slows down and moves with you.

  • If your dog is interested in treats, combine circle walking with rewarding relaxed heeling at your side.

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